Mosaic Aurora Blue

Mosaic Aurora Blue

Think of that one-of-a-kind feeling that envelops you when, after a long run, you cross the finish line or break through the cloud line and conquer the summit you have dreamt of. The releasing  lightness. Satisfaction. Strength. If you could look deep into your eyes at that moment, you would see the light in them. With it, you simply radiate, illuminating every place you appear. Exactly as the aurora borealis brightens the Arctic night as it twists and undulates across the sky in a magnetic dance.

Mosaic Aurora Blue tells the story of this exceptional, luminous spectacle. It is distinguished by a subdued color scheme alluding to the navy sky and the pulsating green-yellow waves of the aurora borealis. Colors fill out the contours arranged in snowflakes, and lighter accents in places make the whole composition resemble intricately connected stained glass, through which light penetrates. Mosaic Aurora Blue pattern is timeless elegance and gentle, yet inexhaustible power - this winter it will lead you to any sports goal. Pair it with Wavy and Ombre patterns, and monocolors in shades of green and blue. When you want to create more energetic stylizations, combine this pattern with Shiny Sunny.