Gold Reef

You've thought about this moment hundreds of times. You imagined what it would be like: to be here, breathing the ocean breeze, feeling the warmth of the tropical sun on your cheek. And this moment is just happening. You run along the shore, and right next to you the ocean ripples rhythmically, shimmering with a thousand glittering dots. The shimmering attracts your gaze so intensely that in the mind's eye, you see yourself diving under the blue depths and plunging into the amazing world of underwater treasures.

Gold Reef pattern tells the story of what lies beneath the surface of the ocean. Its leitmotif is the coral reef. Gold elements symbolize the most precious treasures of the underwater world: jewelry created by nature. The composition is complemented by grasses and algae in deep green, as well as colorful fish and seahorses that float amid the boundless blue of the water. Gold Reef pattern during your training will be your jewelry - just as the jewelry of the ocean are colorful starfish, clams hiding pearls or shells with fancy shapes. At the same time, Gold Reef will remind you to celebrate the here and now to the fullest extent possible through sport.